Thursday, September 8, 2011

We're moving to Geneva, Switzerland!

It sure has been a long time in coming, but now it's final - we're moving to Geneva, Switzerland this within the month! We're flying over sometime around October 12th, and I'll be starting work with the Expedia Partner Services Group around the 17th. It's a huge move, of course for all four of us - husband Eric, son Kenny (7) and Peter (4). Kenny and Peter will be going to public school over there, so hopefully they will learn French very quickly, being immersed in it.

Why the move? Well, I've always been interested in travel, and have done a fair bit in my life. But with kids, you're not going to be able to travel nearly as extensively or exotically as before kids. As a matter of fact, our travels have become very sedate recently. So if exotic travel is out, how about a wholesale move overseas? That way we still a regular, settled home base, but we still get to see the world. Some good friends of ours went to Mexico a few years back, to teach at an international school there. That was the beginning of us taking it very seriously, and trying hard to develop some opportunities overseas. This opportunity eventually came about, and so here we are, in the midst of planning and packing.

1 comment:

Amy W. said...

Hi Sylvia! I'm getting caught up on your adventures in Europe! Will you guys be there long term or is this a temporary move for you? It sounds so exciting!